A few weeks ago I was in a record shop, Wow & Flutter in Hastings. I was chatting to the owners, Tim and Susan and complaining about how we do not have anything similar in Crawley, or even close to Crawley. I said that there are absolutely no independent record shops or shops selling used vinyl in the area at all. Anybody round here who wants to browse has to travel, or wait for one of the local record fairs. Or pay £40 for Queen’s Greatest Hits in HMV.
They were a bit amazed by this, perhaps even a bit disbelieving. I have been bothered by this from a frustrated would-be buyer’s point of view, but Tim’s reaction was to sympathise with people wanting to sell. Obviously a shop-owner’s perspective will be a bit different, but it is a valid question. I know that there are always dealers you can find online, and if you go to a record fair you can find a dealer, but for many people they will just take a box of records to the local shop if there is one. When somebody inherits an unwanted collection and don’t know anything about the market (and why should they?) they might just end up chucking them or taking them to a charity shop or car boot sale, but people who do run shops find a lot of walk-ins with vinyl to sell.
Anyway, I did a bit of digging to make sure I wasn’t wrong about the lack of shops local to Crawley, and what I found was quite depressing.